
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Our Journey Begins...

Where would you go and what would you do if you could just be you?

On March 14th, 2018 my life and the lives of my two children were forever changed. This is the day we received official notification that my best friend of 20+ years and their father, Jacob "Jake" Klipsch had committed suicide while serving as a volunteer foreign fighter in Syria with a Kurdish group, known as the YPG. The weeks preceding this and the months following were a whirlwind of events that are the stuff that TV dramas are made of. I fully intend to write it all down and publish it one day.

In those weeks following his death, I made a vow to myself and to my children to never again be chained to a life I did not love. I knew it wouldn't be easy and that there would be a tremendous amount of work involved. But I also knew it would be worth it. I wanted to travel. I wanted the kids to experience the world and not be held back by the circumstances of their father's death. I wanted all of us to LIVE.

As such we are now a homeschooling family and our focus is on traveling and experiencing as much as we can. Learning about the world around us. And LIVING our life instead of just existing.

I have been blessed to be able to work from anywhere in the world. To travel when I want to and to stay home and heal when we need to. I want to be able to help others to live their own dreams of traveling and living life successfully on their own terms. That's what this blog and my website, are all about. Successfully living life on your own terms.

Join us on our journey as we vacation around the world and staycation here in our own community of Louisville, KY.

Free Spirit Job Spotlight: Outschool

People often ask me about my work with Outschool and the least I can say about it is that, well, I love it! So, let me share with...